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Disabling Signups in LoginRocket

February 1, 2017

LoginRocket, our ready-to-go logins and signups platform, has always had the ability to selectively enable or disable various features, quickly and easily.  However, when it came to Signups, this included the limitation that Signups via Social Login were always enabled if Logins were enabled.

We’re not fans of limitations, so we’ve improved this.  Now, disabling Signups in LoginRocket disables all signups, including new users using Social Login.

This is a breaking change and old behavior has been preserved for customers with Signups disabled while using Social Auth.  If you are an existing AuthRocket customer and prefer the old behavior, you don’t need to do anything.

Changing to the new behavior can be toggled in your LoginRocket settings.


As always, we’d love to hear about your app.  Tell us how we can help you make it better.

Orgs for LoginRocket

January 16, 2017

We’re always on the hunt for ways to streamline the process of user management.  Our goal is to free you up to focus on your core business, and not on users and passwords.  Unsurprisingly, one of our most popular features is LoginRocket, our hosted logins and signups platform.

For years, LoginRocket has given you the easiest path to building a fully-functioning login page and registering and logging in your users.  Now we’re giving you the option of adding an Org (group) and Membership to your registering users.  Configuring this in LoginRocket takes approximately 11 seconds.

In the AuthRocket management UI, go to Settings->LoginRocket and choose to enable signups via LoginRocket.  Then, under “Signup mode”, click “Create Users+Orgs+Memberships”.

If you want to add default permissions, you can do that as well.


And finally, if you want your Signup page to ask your registering user for an Organization name, then add that field to your signup page on the right.  Setting “Organization name” to “Hide” tells LoginRocket to create an Org and name it after the User.


As always, this works for both password-based signups as well as first-time users using Social Login.

For more info, see Handling Signups

Questions?  We’d love to hear from you.

AuthRocket Knowledge Base

August 26, 2016

Over the years, AuthRocket has been used to solve more different use-cases than we ever imagined.  Some of our customers simply need basic logins, some need to add quick features like Social Auth or Signup Pages, and others have very complex data structures that need to be implemented as efficiently as possible.

We’re often asked: How has my use-case been implemented before?  Is there a recommended way?

Introducing our new AuthRocket Knowledge Base.  It’s a large section in the docs where frequently (and sometimes infrequently) asked questions are answered in detail.

Want to see an example of how data can be structured in a SAAS business?  Sure we can help with that.


Need some ideas about putting together a seamless SSO experience for your users across multiple apps?  Check out Structuring with Enhanced SSO.

Want to know where to find email verification in the AuthRocket UI?  Try Email Verification Basics.

The AuthRocket Knowledge Base covers years of experience helping developers like you make your authentication and user accounts work awesomely.

What if you can’t find an answer to your unique question?  Just let us know and we’ll get right on it.

AuthRocket for PHP

August 18, 2016

At AuthRocket, we’ve maintained consistent focus on providing an API that’s easy to talk to and easy to integrate with, using the programming language of your choice.

Because of that focus, and the resulting AuthRocket API, we haven’t written a stack of SDKs for integration, and instead have added time-saving features requested by developers like you, and provided first-rate customer support and documentation to help you get your ultra-unique app running every bit as awesomely as you dreamed it could.

So it’s with that background that we’ve released our new AuthRocket PHP Library.


While we know you don’t actually need an SDK to integrate your app, we’re confident that a great library will speed up the process for PHP developers even more.  It covers all of our Core API and parts of the Extended API as well.

On a similar note, we already have a very polished AuthRocket Ruby (and Rails) Gem (SDK) that’s popular with our Ruby-loving customers.

As always, let us know how we can help you out with integration, whether it be with the help of a library or with your own unique, custom integration.  We’d love to help.

Seamlessly Connecting Your UI

August 3, 2016

One objection we occasionally hear from those looking into 3rd Party Authentication sounds something like this, “On the one hand, I don’t want to roll my own Authentication, but on the other, I don’t really want to have two separate back end UIs for my app.  If I need to edit a user account, I’ll have to log in twice, search for the user twice, and edit twice.”

We hear ya.  That sounds like a pain.

So we’ve created a new feature that makes your UI best friends with ours: UI Connect.

In one short step, add a button to your AuthRocket User (or Org) pages, which will link you directly to the matching User page in your app’s admin UI.  So now you’re never more than one click away.

It’s easy to set up:

1.  Go to settings -> UI Connect and click Add under the button/link you’d like to add.

2.  Give the button a title and the link into your UI, adding a reference ID where needed.


3.  That’s it.  Go try it out!


It turns out your AuthRocket user accounts and your own UI can be next-door neighbors after all.

Need help setting up UI Connect?  Give us a shout.